Shanxi University adjusts its discipline structure
Updated: 2020-04-07
Shanxi University (SXU) recently adjusted the structure of its academic disciplines – including the right of conferring doctorates in the prima subjects of economics theory and art theory, master's degree in the prima subjects of geography and cyberspace security, while revoking the right of conferring doctorates and master's degrees in nine subjects.
SXU officials said that after the adjustment, the university has optimized its discipline structure and quality with 19 prima academic disciplines that can confer doctorates, 35 prima subjects that can confer master's degrees and 24 subjects that can confer professional degrees – with no second-level disciplines that can confer academic degrees.
Shanxi University currently ranks first among universities in Shanxi province in prima subject doctoral programs, master's programs and professional degree programs.
In recent years, the university has been improving its postgraduate education by optimizing the discipline layout according to national and regional socioeconomic development needs.
It has highlighted its advantageous disciplines and strengthened its teaching and training quality.
SXU officials said that moving forwards, it will regularly adjust its discipline structure to achieve the goal of higher teaching quality in postgraduate education.
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