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Physicist from Shanxi University honored by CPC


Updated: 2021-07-01

Physicist Peng Kunchi from Shanxi University in North China's Shanxi province won the title of nationally outstanding Party member at an awards ceremony held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on June 28.

The Party committee of the university called on its Party members and cadres to learn from Peng Kunchi's strong patriotism, rigorous academic attitude, perseverance and indifference to fame and fortune; and to help develop Shanxi University into a high-level comprehensive research university and one of the outstanding and well-known universities in China. 

For 85-year-old Peng Kunchi, spending nearly 30 years establishing a world-class physics research institute of opto-electronics in a less-developed northern province was one of the greatest achievements of his life.

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