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General visits Shanxi University


Updated: 2021-09-30


Bai Lyu (front left), a lieutenant general and alumnus of Shanxi University, visits his alma mater. [Photo/sxu.edu.cn]

Bai Lyu, a lieutenant general and alumnus of Shanxi University, recently returned to visit his alma mater more than 30 years after graduating.

Bai is a native of Yingxian county in North China's Shanxi province and graduated from the philosophy department of Shanxi University in 1983. 

He visited the university's history museum, Dongshan new campus, and School of Philosophy and Sociology to learn about the university's history, traditions, development, and changes. 

Bai also visited the home of his late teacher Du Zhenyuan and expressed condolences to his family. 

He expressed hope that his alma mater would continue to pursue excellence and make new progress in talent training.