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Fujian Party secretary meets with Zimbabwean Vice-President

(chinadaily.com.cn) Updated:2016-09-09

Fujian province's Party secretary You Quan and governor Yu Weiguo welcomed Zimbabwean Vice-President Phelekezela Mphoko to Xiamen, Fujian province on Sept 7, ahead of the grand opening of the 19th China International Fair for Investment & Trade the next day.

You welcomed the Zimbabwean delegation on behalf of the provincial Party committee and government, saying that Vice-President Mphoko's participation in the upcoming fair reflects the importance he attaches to bilateral economic and trade relations and the hope for deepened cooperation.

The Party secretary offered a brief introduction of Fujian, including the province's economic and social development. According to You, China-Zimbabwe relations have continued to deepen in recent years with support from the two governments.

You went on to say that Fujian's economic ties with the African country have also experienced remarkable growth and this has laid a firm groundwork for further cooperation between the two sides.

You also expressed hope that the two sides can continue to expand trade links and market access, heighten industrial cooperation and promote cultural and people-to-people exchanges to achieve joint development.

You wished the delegation every success in finding suitable investors and joint-venture partners at the 19th CIFIT.

Mphoko was delighted to be invited to join the fair. He said that this was his first visit to Xiamen, and he was enjoying learning about the city's beautiful environment, economic performance, and the harmonious society.  

He added that Zimbabwe boasts rich mineral and forest resources, and that he welcomed Chinese enterprises, and Fujian companies in particular, to invest in his country to boost industrial and cultural cooperation and bring their bilateral relationship to a new height.

Xiamen Mayor Pei Jinjia also joined the meeting.



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