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News Share (March 16-31)

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-03-31

1. XMFAO holds online meeting with Santiago government, UNOSSC

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Officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen in East China's Fujian province, the government of Santiago metropolitan area, Chile and the United Nations' Office for South-South Cooperation hold a discussion online on March 17. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

The Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen in East China's Fujian province held an online meeting with the government of Santiago metropolitan area, Chile and the United Nations' Office for South-South Cooperation on March 17.

Officials from the three sides discussed how to promote international exchanges, develop sustainable transportation, and reduce environmental and air pollution.

Lin Na, vice-president of the Xiamen Municipal People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, briefed attendees on Xiamen's economic and social development, its COVID-19 control efforts, and its relationships with international sister cities.

Lin said that establishing friendship-city ties will help facilitate regular exchange and promote cooperation between Xiamen and Santiago.

Officials from the metropolitan government agreed with Lin, stating that the government is willing to partner with Xiamen to learn from the Chinese city about sustainable urban development.

Officials from UNOSSC said the office will support cooperation between Xiamen and Santiago in the development of environmentally-friendly transportation.

2. XMFAO talks with Japanese companies

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Officials from the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen and representatives from local Japanese companies pose for a photo at a meeting on March 19. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

Li Xiaoping, director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen, met with 10 representatives from local Japanese companies on March 19 to learn about their needs and improve the city's business environment.

Li thanked the companies for their contributions to Xiamen's economic and social development and explained the city's major tasks for the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25). He also answered questions from the companies related to epidemic prevention and control, entry policies, and recruitment.

Li reassured the companies by promising that the foreign affairs office would offer continued support for local Japanese companies. He also encouraged Japanese people to help promote Xiamen in their home country in order to attract more Japanese investment to the city.

3. XMFAO welcomes Canada's deputy consul general

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Yao Jianhong (second from right), deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen, talks with Anthony Finch (second from left), Canada's deputy consul general in Guangzhou, in the coastal city in Fujian province on March 22. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

Yao Jianhong, deputy director of the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen, met with Anthony Finch, Canada's deputy consul general in Guangzhou, in the coastal city in Fujian province on March 22.

Yao briefed the deputy consul general on major events and industrial projects in Xiamen this year and encouraged Canadian companies to take part in local exhibitions and invest in the city.

Yao said that Xiamen's efforts to control the COVID-19 epidemic while ensuring stable economic and social development have laid a solid foundation for the city's international relationships. He added that the foreign affairs office hopes to strengthen ties with the consulate general to promote cooperation in trade and investment between the two sides.

Finch thanked the foreign affairs office for its support for the consulate general's work and explained his country's investment and trade cooperation in South China, as well as the consulate general's plan for business events.

The deputy consul general said that his country hopes both sides will seize upon opportunities brought about by the establishment of friendship-province ties between Nova Scotia and Fujian in December 2020 to push forward bilateral cooperation in more fields. 


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