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(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-05-31

1. Xiamen, Israel discuss sci-tech cooperation


The 2021 Xiamen-Israel Cooperation Forum on Technological Innovation is held in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province from May 10 to 11. [Photo/Xiamen Daily]

The 2021 Xiamen-Israel Cooperation Forum on Technological Innovation was held in Xiamen, East China's Fujian province from May 10 to 11.

The event was hosted by the administrative commission of Xiamen Torch Development Zone for High Technology Industries, the Consulate General of Israel in Guangzhou, the Foreign Affairs Office of Xiamen Municipal People's Government, the Xiamen Municipal Bureau of Commerce, as well as the city's bureau of science and technology. 

It was meant to promote cooperation between innovative companies in Xiamen and Israel, making Xiamen a regional center for the transformation and investment of Israel's advanced technology in China.

With a theme of "Shared Opportunities for New Development," the forum featured a friendship tree planting, a roundtable forum, a road show, as well as a match-making meeting, with more than 20 Israeli and nearly 70 Xiamen-based companies taking part.

During the forum, cooperation agreements involving photovoltaic energy, agricultural technology, ozone disinfection technology, and unmanned driving were signed, while 19 Israeli companies showcased their innovative technology, business models, and cooperation experiences at a road show.

2. Xiamen Party secretary meets with Singaporean consul general

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Zhao Long (R), secretary of the CPC Xiamen Committee, talks with Nelson Ng Chiun Ming, consul general of Singapore in Xiamen, on May 17. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

Zhao Long, secretary of the Xiamen Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, met with Nelson Ng Chiun Ming, consul general of Singapore in Xiamen, in the coastal city in East China's Fujian province on May 17.

Zhao briefed the consul general on Xiamen's economic and social development. He said that Xiamen and Singapore have maintained a close long-term partnership and share similarities in natural environment and industrial and urban development.

Zhao said the city will seize opportunities brought about by the Belt and Road Initiative to deepen cooperation with Singapore in environmentally-friendly development, airport economy, and maritime economy.

The local government will work to promote bilateral investment from outstanding companies from both sides to create mutual benefits and deepen the friendship between China and Singapore, Zhao added.

The consul general thanked the CPC Xiamen Committee and local government for their support for the consulate general.

He said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the construction of the Xiamen Special Economic Zone and the 25th anniversary of the Consulate General of Singapore in Xiamen.

He said he hopes that the consulate general will fulfill its role as a bridge in these key moments to help Singaporean companies better participate in the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25) of Fujian and Xiamen and seek more cooperation opportunities in sustainable development and sci-tech innovation.

The consulate general will also help companies in Fujian and Xiamen expand into new markets in Southeast Asia to achieve shared prosperity.

3. XMFAO official answers 'major's hotline'


Lin Na (R), executive vice-president of the Xiamen Municipal People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, answers the "mayor's hotline" on May 20. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

Lin Na, executive vice-president of the Xiamen Municipal People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, answered the "mayor's hotline", which was set up by the Xiamen government to offer explanations and solutions to issues of concern, on May 20.

Lin answered several questions related to international cooperation between Xiamen and its sister cities in fighting COVID-19, how to promote international exchange amid the epidemic, and Xiamen's creative ways of communicating with sister cities.

She explained the efforts made by the Xiamen foreign affairs office and the city's association for friendship with foreign countries to deepen international friendships and encouraged local residents to help internationalize Xiamen.


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