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Notifications 13 and 14 Released in Xiamen

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-09-21

One More Medium-Risk Area Added 

Xiamen Steps up Health-Code-Based Epidemic Management

September 21, 2021

I. Starting from September 21, Shuiyunwan Residential Compound of Songyu Sub-district in Haicang District is flagged as a medium-risk area.

II. The previous orange health code will be sub-divided into yellow code and red code while the green health code will remain unchanged. A green health code means "no abnormalities detected" and free movement is allowed. A yellow health code indicates "health screening or monitoring needed". A red health code demands treatment in isolation at designated hospitals or medical observation in quarantine facilities. Rigorous tracking and management shall be imposed on red health code holders, and relevant measures such as quarantine, treatment and testing shall be applied as deemed necessary.

III. Yellow health code holders must do as follows:

Inform the local community immediately (hotel residents could report via the hotels they stay in), and provide truthful information about their travel history, exposure to COVID-19 cases and health condition in the last 14 days.

Take nucleic acid test within 24 hours. Those who have difficulty going to the testing sites on their own could seek help from the community staff.

Avoid going out, gathering, visiting others or accessing communal areas while keep monitoring their health condition before the nucleic acid test results come out. Go to a nearby fever clinic with a mask on if they experience fever, cough, fatigue or other suspicious symptoms.

Inform the communities or hotels where they reside of the nucleic acid test results once available. Health code will turn green after verification. Keep following and observing notifications and requirements released by the epidemic prevention authorities afterwards.

Some yellow health code holders may be subject to multiple rounds of nucleic acid tests and more stringent containment measures depending on risk sources. Please follow the instructions sent to the mobile phones.

IV. Communities shall do the following :

Tighten health code check at the community entrance. Keep records of yellow health code holders by properly registering their personal information and inform them of the dos and don'ts for epidemic prevention.

Urge and make sure that all yellow health code holders take nucleic acid tests as early as possible by sending text messages, making phone calls or paying home visits. Provide necessary assistance to those who have difficulties in making their way to the testing sites.

Inform the district-level headquarters for COVID-19 response of any yellow health code holder who, without special circumstances, has not completed nucleic acid testing within 48 hours. Corresponding measures shall be taken pursuant to relevant regulations.

Collect information of yellow health code holders obtaining negative nucleic acid test results and then submit to the district-level headquarters for COVID-19 response to ensure a smooth transition to green-health-code status for the said people.

V. Green health code holders shall also abide by relevant epidemic prevention and control regulations, step up self-protection, and refrain from going out except for essential purposes. Red health code holders shall comply with all measures taken by the city and district-level headquarters for COVID-19 response, such as quarantine, treatment, and testing.

For more information, please refer to the full texts of Notifications 13 and 14 of Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response.


The City

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Presented by China Daily.