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Notification No. 22 for Epidemic Response

(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-10-01

Sixth-Round NAT: Required for All

October 1, 2021

As decided by Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response, the 6th round of citywide nucleic acid testing (NAT) will be launched tomorrow. Please be advised that:

I. All people who work or live in Xiamen and those who are here as visitors shall participate in the 6th-round citywide NAT.

II. Dates for the NAT

October 2: Tong'an District

October 3: Siming District, Huli District, Jimei District, Haicang District and Xiang'an District

III. Please scan the QR code of the All-Inclusive NAT Preregistration System and fill in information in advance for registration codes, and then go to the designated testing sites at the time slots as informed by the towns (sub-districts) or villages (communities) with the registration codes and valid IDs. Those who currently live in the closed-off areas, the closed and controlled areas, and the quarantine facilities shall follow the arrangements of the local COVID-19 response task forces.

IV. When taking the tests, please follow the instructions of on-site staff, keep masks on, maintain one-meter social distance from others, and avoid gathering in crowds. Stay at home and refrain from going out except for essential purposes before the test results come out so as to minimize movement of people.

V. As this round of NAT is of crucial importance for containing the virus, we urge all people in Xiamen to pitch in and take the tests. Absence from the testing will result in a yellow health code and access to public venues will be denied. Those who spread the virus due to unjustified absence from the testing shall be held accountable.

VI. For detailed arrangements of NAT test time and sites, please refer to relevant notifications issued by district-level authorities.

For more information, please refer to the full text of Notification No. 22 released by Xiamen Municipal Headquarters for COVID-19 Response on October 1, 2021.


(QR Code of All-Inclusive NAT Preregistration System)


The City

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