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(fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2021-10-30

1. XMFAO holds discussions on Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy


Party members of the foreign affairs office of the Xiamen municipal people's government hold intensive discussions on an outline for studying Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy on Oct 26. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

The Party group of the foreign affairs office of the Xiamen municipal people's government held a seminar on Oct 26 to discuss an outline for studying Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy.

During the discussion, three officials shared their understandings and reflections on the outline based on their study and practices. Li Xiaoping, director of XMFAO, also delivered a speech.

Li said that Xi Jinping Thought on Diplomacy is an integral component of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It reflects the political ideas of the CPC Central Committee with President Xi Jinping at its core in the arena of foreign affairs, carries forward and elevates the fine traditions of Chinese culture, as well as points the direction and provides fundamental guidance for China's foreign policy in the new era.

Li stressed that the Thought is an important system of thought that is scientific, up to date, advanced, and action-oriented, adding that all foreign affairs officials must study it conscientiously, understand it deeply, as well as apply it fully in their diplomatic practice.

Li said that all foreign affairs officials must bolster their research, as well as gain a deep and solid understanding of the tenets and essence of the Thought. They should also combine study, reflection, and application, as well as align their knowledge, conviction, and action with the Thought to make greater contributions to both the country's diplomacy and regional economic and social development.

2. XMFAO awards officials from anti-epidemic frontlines

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Officials of the Xiamen foreign affairs office who worked on the anti-epidemic frontlines are presented with flowers at a welcome meeting on Oct 26. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

The foreign affairs office of the Xiamen municipal people's government held a welcome meeting on Oct 26 for 14 of its officials who were dispatched to anti-epidemic frontlines during the recent COVID-19 outbreak in Xiamen.

During the outbreak, the officials worked in villages and residential areas in Tong'an, Haicang, Jimei, and Xiang'an districts to help with anti-epidemic materials supply, community epidemic control, management of quarantined people, as well as information transmission.

The officials were presented with flowers at the meeting. Three officials, Zhang Guoxing, Li Zhike, and Tang Zixuan, also shared their experience and reflections.

Li Xiaoping, director of the office, expressed his approval and gratitude for the officials' contributions.

Li added that in addition to the officials on the frontlines, many others had also contributed to the city's fight against the COVID-19 epidemic. They remained resolute at their posts to communicate with foreign affairs-related departments, translate notifications for epidemic response, as well as help solve issues involving expats in the implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures.


The City

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