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Marubeni Corp delegation visits Xiamen

(en.fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2023-07-18


Zhang Quan (R) meets with Hiroshi Kawakami. [Photo/WeChat ID: XIAMENFAO]

Zhang Quan, director general of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Xiamen Municipal People's Government, met with a delegation led by Hiroshi Kawakami, deputy chief representative of Marubeni Corporation China, on July 11.

Zhang welcomed Kawakami and thanked Marubeni for its support in the further development of Xiamen, a coastal city in Fujian province.

Zhang said China would continue to open up and provide new opportunities for the world with its development. He then added that Xiamen would support Japanese businesses in their bid to invest and do business with China.

Zhang also introduced Xiamen's recent developmental achievements, industry system and open economy. He encouraged Marubeni to seize opportunities in Xiamen through its role as a node city in the new development pattern.

He also welcomed the company to deepen supply chain collaboration, explore third-party market cooperation, share in the development dividends of China, Fujian and Xiamen, and to jointly promote mutually beneficial China-Japan cooperation.

For his part, Kawakami praised Xiamen as an open, inclusive and clean city that boasts beautiful scenery and developed industries. He said that Marubeni had confidence in Xiamen's market potential and business prospects, and that he hopes to strengthen communication with Xiamen so as to seek common development.


The City

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