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Think tank delegation from Latin American countries visits Xiamen

(en.fao.xm.gov.cn) Updated:2023-12-27


The delegation visits the exhibition hall of BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution Innovation Center. [Photo/WeChat account: XIAMENFAO]

A delegation of 20 experts from 11 countries, including Argentina, Panama, and Brazil, representing think tanks and the Latin American social science institute, visited Xiamen from Dec 19 to 23.

During their visit to Xiamen, the delegation visited the exhibition hall of BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution Innovation Center to learn about the achievements of the BRICS mechanism and the practical cooperation between Xiamen and the BRICS countries.

They also visited Xiamen University and held discussions with scholars from the Belt and Road Research Institute to explore ways to enhance intellectual exchange and cooperation between Xiamen and the countries involved in the Belt and Road Initiative, including those in Latin America.

Zeng Jinji, deputy director general of the Foreign Affairs Office of the Xiamen Municipal People's Government, met with the delegation and provided an introduction to Xiamen's economic and social development on Dec 21. 

Zeng and the delegation also exchanged views on Xiamen's efforts in promoting cross-Strait integration, the construction of BRICS Partnership on New Industrial Revolution Innovation Center, and implementing the local practices of the Global Development Initiative. 

During their visit to Xiamen, some members of the delegation promoted Xiamen through social media platforms such as Facebook, X, and Instagram. The videos and pictures shared garnered widespread attention and likes from people in their respective countries. 

Several members expressed their desire to further engage in exchanges and promote practical cooperation with Xiamen in areas such as universities and think tanks.


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