
Zhongguangcun supports Guangxi innovation league

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: Sep 4, 2017 L M S

Led by Zhongguancun Science Park, the Guangxi Zhongguancun Innovative Enterprises League was established in Nanning, capital city of the Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on Aug 27.

Ten high-tech companies, including Microsoft China and DiDi Chuxing, signed contracts with the Nanning High-tech Zone administrative committee to set up offices in the zone's Zhongguancun Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base.

Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Capital Management Corporation arranged talent cultivation agreements with ten colleges and universities in Guangxi to build an employment and entrepreneurship platform.

Shi Qilin, general manager of the Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Capital Management Corporation, explained that the demonstration base will focus on three industries—digital information, energy conservation and high-end manufacturing.

As of February, Zhongguancun companies have set up 221 subsidiaries in Guangxi with a total investment of 9.4 billion yuan ($1.4 billion). The establishment of the Guangxi Zhongguancun Innovative Enterprises League will accelerate the gathering of innovative companies and talents in Guangxi.

The Nanning Zhongguancun Innovation and Entrepreneurship Demonstration Base officially opened in July 2016, and aims to be a center of technology and services for local emerging industries.

The Guangxi Zhongguancun Innovative Enterprises League is established in Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region, on Aug 27. [Photo/gx.people.cn]

Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Capital Management Corporation arranges talent cultivation agreements with 10 colleges and universities in Guangxi. [Photo/gx.people.cn]

Shi Qilin, general manager of the Beijing Zhongguancun Information Valley Capital Management Corporation, delivers a speech. [Photo/gx.people.cn]

Edited by Zachary Dye