
Scandinavian politicians visit Zhongguancun

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: Sep 8, 2017 L M S

A delegation of six politicians from countries in northern European paid a visit to Zhongguancun Science Park on Aug 30 to discuss innovation and the entrepreneurial achievements of local companies.

The delegation members, including Finnish Parliament member Antti Kurvinen, represented Finland, Norway and Denmark. Both sides exchanged ideas on intellectual property protection, the transfer of science and technology and talent cultivation.

The delegation showed great interest in local innovations, such as NanoAR's 3D products, when visiting the science and technology exhibition hall. NanoAR's products utilize holographic nano-film technologies.

Yang Song, founder of Beijing Wangfu Robots Co Ltd, introduced to the delegation to the company's latest indoor environment control system and intelligent household platform. These products can change traditional households and office through internet of things (IoT) and artificial intelligence (AI).

Kurvinen spoke highly of Zhongguancun's achievements.

The visit aimed to help politicians in northern Europe understand China's development of science and technology and promote a long-term and stable relationship between China and northern Europe.

A delegation of northern European politicians visits Zhongguancun's science and technology exhibition hall on Aug 30. [Photo/unn.people.com.cn]

Yang Song, founder of Beijing Wangfu Robots Co Ltd, introduces the delegation to the company’s latest products. [Photo/unn.people.com.cn]

Antti Kurvinen, member of the Parliament of Finland, talks about his visit to Zhongguancun. [Photo/unn.people.com.cn]

Edited by Zachary Dye