
Zhongguancun fights against novel coronavirus

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: Feb 4, 2020 L M S

Since the outbreak of the novel coronavirus in Wuhan, the Zhongguancun Administrative Committee and many enterprises in Zhongguancun have joined the fight against it.

I.Provide intelligence and technology assistance

Cheetah mobile launches diagnostic robots

On Jan 27, Cheetah Mobile and OrionStar sent two intelligent service robots to Peking University Shougang Hospital. One robot can provide unmanned guidance and automatic response to inquiries on fever and give patients preliminary and remote diagnosis and appropriate treatment; the other robot can deliver laboratory test reports and drugs according to the needs of the hospital.

CapitalBio launches a chip for detection of multi-respiratory viruses

CapitalBio has designed and developed a new microfluidic chip for rapid detection of multi-respiratory viruses. The chip can detect 19 common respiratory viruses including the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) within 1.5 hours based on a throat swab or sputum and other secretions collected from patients.

GHDDI provides free drug R&D resources

The Global Health Drug Discovery Institute (GHDDI), together with Tsinghua University's School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, is devoted to R&D of anti-novel coronavirus drugs, and shared drug R&D resources with all researchers.

AbMax Biotechnology completes the development of N protein polypeptide antigens for novel coronavirus

AbMax Biotechnology has designed multiple N protein polypeptide antigens based on the sequence of novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), and is conducting immunity experiments on animals. It is expected that relevant specific antibodies will be available in early February, and that the first batch of 50,000 detection kits can be produced by the end of February.

HollySys sends nucleic acid isolation machines to the front line

HollyCon, a subsidiary of HollySys, has produced many nucleic acid isolation machines for the diagnosis of novel coronavirus, and sent them to hospitals.

II.Support for construction of Huoshenshan Hospital

Beijing GeoEnviron Engineering & Technology and Oriental Yuhong send professional technical teams

Beijing GeoEnviron Engineering & Technology and Oriental Yuhong have undertaken construction of a 30,000-square-meter seepage prevention project and have provided all materials and related services.

Glodon undertakes connection with suppliers providing badly-needed construction materials

Glodon completed connection and contact with more than 20 suppliers and provided badly-needed construction materials within 2 hours after receiving the request, and will provide free online construction materials and demanded connection services in the next 6 months.

Tsinghua Unigroup donates information security equipment

Tsinghua Unigroup and its subsidiary New H3C Technologies have donated network communication and information security products and equipment to Huoshenshan Hospital, and conducted corresponding deployment, installation, and debugging.

Digital China initiates an ecological alliance

On Jan 26, Digital China launched an ecological alliance to provide electronic equipment, masks and other materials to the Leishenshan Hospital. IT Logistics, a subsidiary of Digital China, will provide free storage service for these donated materials. Seven sets of video conference equipment have been donated to facilitate telemedicine in isolation wards of hospitals such as Union Hospital that are affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology.

III.Donate money and materials

China Transinfo donated 20 million yuan (2.86 million US dollars).

360 Group and 360 Finance jointly donated 15 million yuan of materials.

IQIYI donated 10 million yuan and copyrights of many high-quality TV series.

Yonyou donated 10 million yuan and started purchasing and supplying cloud services.

Hillhouse Capital set up a special fund of 10 million yuan.

MatrixPartners China established the "Caring for Frontline Medical Staff" Fund with a start-up capital of six million yuan, providing family care and security for medical staff who are infected during work.

Sinovation Ventures donated 2 million yuan

A number of public welfare foundations such as Shuidi have completed three fundraising projects, and raised 6.5 million yuan. It is expected that 1.6 million masks and other anti-epidemic materials will be provided to the affected areas.

Beibei Group donated 1 million masks to Hubei.

YYeTs donated 1 million yuan to Wuhan Jiang'an District Charity Federation.

InnoCare donated 1 million yuan to the Chinese Red Cross Foundation.

BeiGene donated 1 million yuan to Wuhan. In addtion, JohnOyler, the company's founder, chairman and CEO and his wife Victoria Pan will donate nearly 1 million yuan of medical supplies to Huanggang of Hubei Province.