
Zhongguancun issues measures to support epidemic prevention and control

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: Feb 11, 2020 L M S

To each sub-park of Zhongguancun, related enterprises, social organizations, and innovation and creation service agencies:

To accelerate the transformation and application of scientific and technological achievements in the epidemic prevention, control, and treatment, and to minimize the influence of novel coronavirus pneumonia on micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises, Zhongguancun hereby notify you of the following:

I. Key supported areas

Zhongguancun supports Zhongguancun enterprises' giving full play to their technological advantages and focusing on the following areas:

R & D and industrialization of related drugs and medical devices for epidemic detection, diagnosis, treatment and protection;

Application of artificial intelligence technology products in the fields of epidemic prevention, control and treatment, manufacturing of drugs, devices and protective equipment, and unmanned logistics;

Innovative application of big data, Internet of Things, 5G, high-end chips, virtual reality and other technical products in fighting the epidemic;

Construction of emergency hospitals by virtue of technologies such as environmental protection and energy saving;

Provision of production and live services by virtue of "Internet +".

II. Supporting measures

Zhongguancun will:

1. Accelerate the approval of technical products related to epidemic prevention, control and treatment, such as diagnostic reagents, vaccines, and new drugs, and coordinate the manufacturing of these technical products.

2. Support third-party technical service platforms to undertake the R & D, production, and testing of diagnostic reagents, vaccines, new drugs and other technical products related to epidemic prevention, control and treatment.

3. Support the R & D and industrialization of epidemic prevention projects.

4. Support the application and promotion of epidemic prevention-related new technologies, new products and new services through government procurement.

5. Grant small and micro Zhongguancun science and technology enterprises a subsidy of up to 200,000 yuan according to their input in the R&D of epidemic control-related new technologies and new products.

6. Support Zhongguancun enterprises engaged in the prevention and control of the epidemic or those affected by the epidemic to carry out credit financing, financial leasing, and bond issuance, and grant loan subsidies, financing lease subsidies, and coupon interest subsidies to eligible enterprises; increase guaranteed credit and lease lines, and appropriately reduce interest rates and related rates; and waive the guarantee fee for emergency financing of epidemic prevention and control enterprises.

7. Grant support to relevant units and technology-based start-ups in the development and promotion of therapeutic drugs; promote the connection of research projects with laboratories, inspection and testing institutions, mass production enterprises, financial institutions, and terminal markets; and reduce rents for micro, small and medium-sized enterprises during the epidemic.

8. Encourage private non-enterprise units with research and development capabilities to carry out R&D of medicines and medical devices related to epidemic prevention and control; support social organizations by increasing publicity for epidemic prevention and control polices, and promote new technologies and new products related to epidemic prevention and control.

9. Support sub-parks to organize service agencies to provide accurate services for enterprises, accelerate the construction of industry carriers and the renovation of stock space for the R & D and production of anti-epidemic related products, introduce enterprises providing urgently-needed drugs and medical devices, and use intelligent management methods to provide personnel and vehicle control for the enterprises in the sub-parks.

10. Understand the measures taken by the enterprises in the prevention and control of the epidemic and provide guidance; provide necessary services in material coordination, supply chain restoration and legal affairs and other service matters for enterprises.

III. Organization and implementation

Zhongguancun will also take the following measures:

(I) Strengthen the collection and release of information on new technologies, new products and new services

Make full use of the "Zhongguancun new technology, new product and new service display, promotion and supply and demand docking platform" (www.zgcnewth.com), and strengthen the collection and release of information on new technologies, new products and new services.

(2) Coordinate Zhongguancun sub-parks to increase service

The sub-parks of Zhongguancun shall actively connect with enterprises in the sub-park. The Zhongguancun Management Committee shall coordinate with relevant departments in including the work of each sub-park in epidemic prevention and control into the evaluation.

(3) Strengthen the monitoring, analysis, and judgment of enterprise development

All sub-parks, social organizations, and innovation and creation service agencies should conduct enterprise investigations on the impact of the epidemic, promptly reflect problems, and make suggestions.

(4) Increase publicity

Popularize epidemic prevention and control-related knowledge; promote the new technology, new products and new services emerging in the fight against the epidemic, and tell the stories of enterprises engaged in the fight against the epidemic.