  • http://en.bisu.edu.cn/2024-05/23/c_829587.htm
  • http://en.bisu.edu.cn/2022-11/09/c_829606.htm
Updated: November 9, 2022

Foreign Student Dormitory

There are 2 foreign student dormitory buildings on campus exclusively for international students: No 2 Building and Qinxue Building. The second and third floor of No 7 Building are also for foreign students. 

Payment for lodging is on per-semester basis. Full payment for lodging, as well as a deposit of RMB500 is required prior to moving in. Changing rooms and moving out are not allowed. Changing rooms are only permitted upon receipt of application toward to the end of one semester for such change for another room in the following semester, and in such a case payment for the next semester’s lodging must be in place. This advance payment, however, is, in principle, not refundable.

Occupants should abide by the Dormitory Accommodation Regulations. Any questions, requests, and complaints are to be presented to the Reception Desk on the first floor. The Reception Desk also takes care of matters such as visitors’ registration, lodging deposit, room repair/maintenance request, room-key keeping and room-key loss registration. The dormitories offer 24 hours service and the telephone number is 65778206 for Building 2.

Living Off-Campus

International students can live off campus, but they must go through off-campus residence registration procedures.

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