Summer Program on An Overview of Modern China and City Development 2023
First-ever international summer program highlights China's path to modernization
Updated: August 25, 2023

The first Summer Program on "An Overview of Modern China and City Development" (2023) ended on Aug 18, captivating the attention of global youth. 

Over 50 participants from 28 countries joined the intensive two-week course, immersing themselves in China's thriving urban panorama and Beijing's undeniable allure.

A Journey Through Innovation

"Crazy! It's so cool!" raved May Thet Htar, a student from Myanmar, after her first-hand experience with an autonomous electric bus. "Riding in a car that's a marvel of intelligence, comfort, and safety was surreal. I can't wait to see these vehicles revolutionize transport in my own country."


Participants of the summer program take transportation in an autonomous vehicle.

On Aug 11, participants visited Beijing New Energy Vehicle Technology Innovation Center, a hub where the future of eco-friendly transportation comes alive. There they delved into the innovative charm of new energy vehicles.

Students engaged in dialogues with industry experts covering a range of cutting-edge topics - from charging infrastructure, to market applications and user-centric technologies. Polish student Siedlik Bartlomiej Tadeusz reflected, "This is a game-changer. Having the opportunity to tour these advanced labs and factories has been nothing short of awe-inspiring."

A Tapestry of Old and New

The program wasn't confined to the four walls of a classroom. Participants ventured to iconic landmarks like the Forbidden City, the Beijing City Planning Exhibition Hall, and Beijing's sub-center, taking in the blend of historical significance and urban development that uniquely marks Beijing.


Summer program attendees engage in hands-on research at the Beijing City Planning Exhibition Hall.

"It's more than educational. It’s truly eye-opening," said Sichoongwe Kiru from Zambia University. "We saw how digital economy is crucial for modern industrial sectors and how Beijing is making strides in tech innovations and industrial upgrades."

"This program has given me experiences beyond imagination," added Hungarian student Kovacs Laszlo Erik. "It's astonishing to learn how urban development strategies can be so well-thought-out to face new challenges effectively."

A Melting Pot of Learning and Culture

Besides its academic enrichment, the program served as a melting pot of diverse cultures, allowing students to immerse themselves in the quintessence of Beijing's cultural landmarks. "Walking through the beautiful Forbidden City, I felt the charm of China's traditional culture and history," said Mpuya Adeline Nkwimba from Romania. "Our class includes more than 50 students from various countries. It's a wonderful platform for understanding and learning about different cultures."


Riding the Fuxing bullet train to Xiong'an New Area, international participants get a taste of "China speed".

"I am amazed by Beijing's development, its beauty, and its vastness. I was deeply attracted by the city's charm," she said. "In my mind, China was an ancient civilization. When I actually came here, I found Beijing to be both ancient and modern, with magnificent buildings." Nkwimba said she plans to share the stories and experiences in China with her family and friends when she returns home. "I'm very grateful for the opportunity provided by the summer program to understand the real Beijing, the real China," she added.


International program participants immerse in experiential learning sessions.

Organized by the Beijing International Studies University in collaboration with the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, the summer program was an ambitious undertaking. It spanned a multitude of disciplines including politics, diplomacy, tourism, trade, culture, and taxation. The diverse participant pool included government officials, global business leaders, and students, making the program a comprehensive and specialized model.

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