Summer Program on An Overview of Modern China and City Development 2023
Discover Beijing's magic: Fall in love with the city, just like Mazuna did
Updated: September 1, 2023

Four years ago, Mavzuna Mukhiddinova moved from St. Petersburg to Beijing. What she found was more than just a new place to live—it was a home she fell in love with. So, what's her secret to keeping the love alive?

Is it the excitement from the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, which put the city on the world stage, blending sports, art, and technology? Or maybe it's the upgrades around town, from campuses to public spaces, that make daily life a breeze? Mazuna shares it all in her must-see vlog, catching the eye of fans not just in Russia but around the world.

But Beijing isn't just a backdrop of tall buildings and buzzing activity for her. It's a city that balances its rich history with a keen eye on the future. Ancient temples stand proudly next to modern skyscrapers, showing that progress and tradition can exist side by side.

So why does Mazuna keep falling in love with Beijing? Watch her vlog and you'll get it. To her, it's a city that keeps changing, keeps surprising, and keeps giving people reasons to call it home.

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