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Senior Thai education officials visit BISU
Updated: July 12, 2024

Thanoo Khuandeja, deputy permanent secretary for education of the Ministry of Education of Thailand, led a delegation to visit Beijing International Studies University (BISU) on July 1.

Chang Yu, secretary of the CPC BISU Committee, and Zheng Chengjun, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BISU Committee and vice-president of the university, met with the delegation.


BISU officials and representatives attend the meeting with a visiting Thai delegation at BISU on July 1, 2024.

Chang welcomed the Thai delegation, introducing BISU's history and unique academic strengths, particularly in international education of Chinese language and tourism management. He highlighted the importance of the China-Thailand tourism market and proposed more joint initiatives in "Chinese + Tourism" talent development. He expressed his hope for further collaboration in the "An Overview of Modern China and City Development" summer program, master's projects, student exchanges and academic visits. 


Chang Yu, secretary of the CPC BISU Committee, delivers a speech at the meeting with a visiting Thai delegation on July 1, 2024.

Zheng spoke of BISU's internationalization and collaborations with four Thai universities in Thai language programs, academic cooperation and high-level exchanges, and he expressed optimism for future partnerships with Thai educational institutions.


Zheng Chengjun, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BISU Committee and vice-president of the university, outlines the internationalization of BISU at the meeting with a visiting Thai delegation on July 1, 2024.

Khuandeja thanked BISU for the hospitality and praised the university's contributions to Chinese education. He noted that the delegation aimed to learn from BISU to enhance Thailand's talent cultivation, educational administration and international exchanges.


Thanoo Khuandeja, deputy permanent secretary for education of the Ministry of Education of Thailand, thanks BISU's contributions to education at a meeting on July 1, 2024.

Representatives of BISU shared insights into the university's achievements in building discipline, staff development and global recognition. Both sides exchanged views on BISU's experience with high-end technical talent training and AI-driven teacher evaluation reforms.


BISU representatives share insights at the meeting with a visiting Thai delegation on July 1, 2024.

The Thai delegation also visited the BISU history museum to learn about the university's founding principles, development journey, international education and research achievements.


Thai delegates visit BISU’s history museum on July 1, 2024.


Members of the Thai delegation and BISU representatives take a group photo on July 1, 2024.

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