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Summer program on modern China and city development kicks off
Updated: July 17, 2024

The Summer Program on "An Overview of Modern China and City Development", co-hosted by Beijing International Studies University (BISU) and the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, commenced on July 8.


"An Overview of Modern China and City Development" summer program starts on July 8.


International students attend the opening ceremony on July 8.

Zheng Chengjun, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BISU Committee and vice-president of the university, highlighted the fruitful results of the summer program held last year as a platform for dialogue and exchanges. He also expressed his hope for the participants to experience a modern China in this year's summer program. 


Zheng Chengjun, a member of the Standing Committee of the CPC BISU Committee and vice-president of the university, highlights the significance of the program on July 8.

Zhang Hong, the second-level inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, hoped that the international students could witness firsthand the vigorous development of China and the charm of Beijing, and deepen their understanding of the country and the city. She encouraged participants to engage in discussions on urban governance and urban development to explore more cooperation possibilities.


Zhang Hong, the second-level inspector of the Foreign Affairs Office of the People's Government of Beijing Municipality, expresses her hopes for the summer program on July 8.

Cem Aygun, a Turkish teacher from the School of Middle Eastern Studies at BISU, shared his experience of participating in last year's summer program, noting the profound influence of Chinese modernization on urban development. He said he wished the participants a fruitful experience this year.


Cem Aygun, a Turkish teacher from the School of Middle Eastern Studies at BISU, shares his experience as one of the representatives of the participants of the summer program held last year on July 8.

Angela Gonzalez Linacero, a teacher and coordinator from Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, Spain, said she was honored to participate in the program and that she hoped to gain deeper insights into and new perspectives of the contemporary China.


Angela Gonzalez Linacero, a teacher and coordinator from Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio, shared her views about the summer program on July 8.

A combination of specialized lectures and practical visits will be held in the summer program. The participants will visit sites such as the Beijing Planning Exhibition Hall, the central axis of Beijing, the 12345 Citizen Hotline Center, Xiong'an New Area, and high-tech enterprise parks to experience the unique charm of Chinese modernization.


Attendees and international students of the program take a group photo on July 8.

BISU will launch another program with the same theme for international master's degree students in September, designed to cultivate global talent through a mix of theoretical and practical courses. 

Nearly 30 international participants from 12 countries participated in this summer program to gain a better understanding of China's development achievements through specialized courses and practical experience.

Zhao Lei, an official at the Department of International Cooperation and Exchanges of the Ministry of Education, also attended the opening ceremony.

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