Recognize excellence in global health industry


During the High 5 New Zealand International Health Industry Expo, New Zealand will host the inaugural ceremony of the High 5 Awards on Nov 26, 2023 to recognize and celebrate exemplary achievements in the global health industry. The awards aim to encourage stakeholders to seek and share the essence of health, in line with its vision and slogan, "Health Integrity Grants Happiness".

This initiative leverages New Zealand’s prominence in harmonizing nature and modernity, being one of the most fervent advocates for the essence of health. The awards focus on “High 5 Values”, which include High Impact Innovation, Highly Premium Suppliers, High Demand Markets, High Quality Networking, and High Added-Value.

The High 5 Top Awards are divided into two categories:

1.High 5 Awards of Merit (Individuals) to acknowledge individuals who have significantly contributed to the High 5 Values. Awards include the High 5 Health Innovator Award of Merit, High 5 Health Integrity Award of Merit, High 5 Health Promoter Award of Merit, High 5 Health Collaborator Award of Merit, and High 5 Health Transformer Award of Merit.

2. High 5 Awards of Achievement (Organizations) to recognize organizations that have shown exceptional commitment to the High 5 Values.

In addition, the High 5 Memorial Awards will be presented to participants of the High 5 Expo & Forums. These include the Platinum Award and Gold Award of High 5 Expo for individuals or organizations, Voice of High 5 for speakers or presenters, and Outstanding Contribution Award of High 5 Expo for partners.

Candidates for the awards are judged on achievements, contribution to the High 5 Values, ethical business practices, and social responsibility. Nominations were opened on June 1 and closed on July 30. Finalists will be announced on Oct 30.

Eligibility for voting includes members of the High 5 Expo, comprising institutional and individual members related to the health industry. Additionally, the High 5 Awards Committee, consisting of international experts from various sectors, will select the winners.

The accreditor for the High 5 Awards is Findex, a famous accounting firm in Australia and New Zealand.

The ceremony represents a monumental step in galvanizing stakeholders towards a more innovative, quality-driven, and sustainable global health industry. It aligns perfectly with New Zealand’s ethos of promoting a healthy lifestyle by integrating nature and modernity.

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