
Chinese Traditional Culture Museum opens in Beijing



Hu Heping, minister of culture and tourism, delivers a speech and announced the opening of the exhibition. He is joined by Wang Xudong, director of the Palace Museum; Lu Yingchuan and Rao Quan, vice-ministers of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism; Xu Yongjun, vice-chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles; and Mo Gaoyi, head of the publicity department of the CPC Beijing Municipal Committee, in unveiling the plaque.

The opening ceremony of the Chinese Traditional Culture Museum (CTCM), along with the launch of the Treasures of China: An Exhibition of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage and Arts and Crafts, was held in Beijing on Feb 5. 

Hu Heping, minister of culture and tourism, congratulated the museum on its opening and the inauguration of the exhibition. He noted that the establishment of the nation's first national-level museum for arts and crafts and intangible cultural heritage (ICH) is in keeping with the central government's strong emphasis on cultural development. The successful completion and operation of the museum were achieved through the collaborative efforts of various departments and the hard work of numerous builders and laborers.

The opening of the museum marked the addition of a significant cultural landmark that represents the cultural image of the nation and capital, and reflected the flourishing development of culture in the new era. The Treasures of China exhibition complements the museum perfectly and serves as an important cultural feature during the Beijing Winter Olympics, Hu said.


Jade Carving: White Jade Five Elements Pagoda

Hu emphasized that the CTCM should uphold the "great nation" vision, fulfill its original mission, strive to build a world-class museum showcasing arts and crafts and ICH, and contribute to the creative transformation and innovative development of China's excellent traditional culture. 

It is essential to construct a scientific and reasonable system of collections and exhibitions, effectively manage the collection, preservation, exhibition, academic research, public service and international cooperation, bringing arts and crafts and diverse intangible heritage to life, better integrating them into modern life, reflecting contemporary values, and serving socio-economic development, Hu noted. 

The museum must adapt to trends in networking, informatization and intelligence, continually improve its operational management, and use rich collections, high-quality exhibitions, creative products, and excellent services to meet people's cultural needs, strengthen their spiritual power, and effectively tell the story of China with dedication and effort, he added.

Han Ziyong, president of the Chinese National Academy of Arts (CNAA) and director of the CTCM, introduced the construction and exhibition arrangements of the museum. 

Those in attendance at the opening ceremony and the exhibition included responsible comrades from the literature and art bureau of the Central Publicity Department, the social development department of the National Development and Reform Commission, relevant departments and directly affiliated units of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the cultural activities department of the Beijing Winter Olympics organizing committee, representatives from the CNAA, the CTCM, construction units, as well as experts and scholars.


Opening ceremony of the CTCM

The CTCM is a key national cultural institute approved by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20) period. It aims to showcase China's excellent traditional culture, promote the Chinese national aesthetic and socialist core values, and establish cultural and national confidence. The opening exhibition, Treasures of China: An Exhibition of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage and Arts and Crafts, hosted by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, features eight sections: Great Craftsmanship, Ancient Sounds, Joyful Harmony, Silk Road Paintings, Opera Legends, Instruments of Culture, Spring in China and Glorious Rebirth. 

The exhibition presents 1,298 sets of arts and crafts and intangible cultural heritage masterpieces, including arts and crafts, guqin music, traditional musical instruments, Silk Road murals, Chinese opera, gold and stone seals, woodblock New Year pictures and folk performances.


The Treasures of China exhibition


The Treasures of China exhibition

Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved.
Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.