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'Adorned with Lanterns: Welcoming the Dragon Year'



The Chinese Traditional Culture Museum (CTCM), also known as the China Intangible Cultural Heritage Museum, is presenting its signature event: "Adorned with Lanterns: Welcoming the Dragon Year" 2024 Chinese New Year Lantern-themed Festival, marking the onset of the new year, highlighting the richness of traditional Chinese cultures and boosting public cultural engagement during the festive season.

Traditional lantern festivals and displays have deep roots in Chinese culture, with ancient customs observed before and after Spring Festival, culminating in Lantern Festival. Historical records indicate that the earliest Lantern Festival activities date to as early as the Southern Dynasty (420-589) in Nanjing.

Spring Festival holds significant cultural importance for the Chinese populace, serving as a time for family reunions and embodying the essence of traditional Chinese values, such as unity, celebration and blessings. Households are adorned with lanterns across the nation, fostering an atmosphere of joy and harmony. These lantern-themed events traditionally served as a time to pray for favorable weather, familial harmony and national prosperity, and have gradually transitioned from imperial traditions to common street celebrations.


The event prominently features lanterns characteristic of Zigong, Sichuan province. The Zigong tradition, dating to the Tang and Song dynasties (960-1279), is characterized by lantern lighting during the New Year festivities. Evolving with societal changes and technological advancements, Zigong lanterns have seamlessly melded traditional craftsmanship with modern innovation, resulting in a unique artistic expression characterized by scale, diversity, concept and intricacy. In 2008, the Zigong Lantern Festival was included in the second group of entries on the national intangible cultural heritage list.

The event highlights myriad creative lantern themes, including the Year of the Dragon, Classic of Mountains and Seas and Zigong Dinosaurs. These exhibits showcase Zigong's traditional lantern craftsmanship infused with contemporary techniques, offering a festive ambiance and educational experience. 

Visitors may delve into the rich cultural tapestry of Zigong's lantern artistry, gain insights into Zigong's dinosaur heritage, and immerse themselves in the mythical realm of "divine beasts" from the Classic of Mountains and Seas. With its diverse themes, impeccable craftsmanship and vibrant displays, this lantern festival promises a cultural extravaganza that seamlessly integrates art, leisure and education.

Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved.
Presented by China Daily.
Copyright © China National Arts and Crafts Museum. All rights reserved. Presented by China Daily.