Project team in Nigeria resolves water crisis for local residents

The Keffi - Makurdi Road Improvement and Expansion Project in Nigeria
"The water is coming out!" said the villagers of Angwanmayo village in Nasarawa state, Nigeria. As water gushed out from the pipe, the crowd erupted into cheers.
The Keffi - Makurdi Road Improvement and Expansion Project in Nigeria spans approximately 221 kilometers. As the only route from Abuja, the capital of Nigeria, to Nasarawa, upon the completion, it is expected to greatly alleviate the traffic pressure between the two locations and improve the communication status of the region, providing greater convenience for local residents in terms of their economy, education, healthcare, and job opportunities.
Amos, who lives in nearby Angwanmayo village, is a local employee of the project.
After communicating with Amos, the Chinese staff learned that the most concerned challenge plaguing Amos's village was the issue of residents' access to clean water, as the nearest water source was over ten kilometers away from the village, and it took nearly five hours to make a round trip on foot. At the same time, the water quality was not clean enough for safe daily use.
The Keffi - Makurdi Road Improvement and Expansion Project in Nigeria
After discussions, the project team decided to dig a well in the village to completely resolve the long-standing water supply problem for the sake of benefiting the local residents and fostering harmonious local relationships.
With the support of professional equipment and technical personnel, in just two days, the clear well water gushed out. The local villagers cheered and expressed their gratitude to the whole team, and more local young people joined the project team's workforce.
The project team has provided over 2,000 job opportunities for local people and has employed nearly 450 local employees. These local employees gain work skills through learning and training during the project, which has not only increased their income but also laid a solid foundation for them to pursue a better life.
Recently, the Keffi - Makurdi Road Improvement and Expansion Project in Nigeria was completed and the transportation situation in Angwanmayo village greatly improved. More people are choosing to venture out and explore the wider world.
"My Chinese friends are about to leave, but I will always remember the changes they brought to me," said Amos.