Signature Attractions
Helan Mountain Rock Art


Helan Mountain Rock Art

Helan Mountain Rock Art is a 4A-level tourist scenic spot and a key national cultural heritage site. It is one of the core attractions of the China National Scenic Area and is on China's tentative list of natural and cultural heritages. It has also been recognized with the "Golden Prize for the 50 Places in China Worth Visiting for Foreigners". 

Helan Mountain Rock Art is often referred to as the art gallery of China's nomadic groups. Throughout history, the Helan Mountain have been home to various nomadic tribes, including the Xiongnu, Xianbei, and Tujue. The most representative of the more than 20 rock art sites spanning over 200 kilometers from north to south is the Helankou Rock Art.

The scenic area of Helan Mountain Rock Art offers stunning beauty, with unique peaks and flowing springs in the valleys, on either side of which around 6,000 ancient and mysterious rock paintings can be found. These paintings, dating back 3,000 to 10,000 years, depict various aspects of ancient human life, such as grazing, hunting, sacrificial rituals, warfare, entertainment, and social activities. They serve as a valuable cultural treasure for the study of ancient human cultural history and primitive art history.

Exploring the vibrant and colorful rock art at the Helan Mountain allows us to gain insight into the rich social life of the ancient nomadic people.

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