Ningxia in the News
The colorful terraces in Ningxia’s Xiji

The terraces in Xiji, Ningxia Hui autonomous region, display different magnificent scenery throughout the four seasons: in spring, the crisscrossing paths are nestled among waves of green crops rolling in the breeze; in summer, the dense plants layer one upon the other, caressing the green mountains; in autumn, there is a colorful spectacle with golden fields covering the mountains and reflecting in the clear water; and in winter, the white snow bestows a breathtaking silver blanket upon the terrace.

Let's follow the camera for a glimpse of the natural scenery in this western paradise.


The terraces in Xiji, Ningxia Hui autonomous region [Photo provided by the Publicity Department of Guyuan County, Ningxia]


The terraces in Xiji, Ningxia Hui autonomous region [Photo provided by the Publicity Department of Guyuan County, Ningxia]


The terraces in Xiji, Ningxia Hui autonomous region [Photo provided by the Publicity Department of Guyuan County, Ningxia]


The terraces in Xiji, Ningxia Hui autonomous region [Photo provided by the Publicity Department of Guyuan County, Ningxia]


The terraces in Xiji, Ningxia Hui autonomous region [Photo provided by the Publicity Department of Guyuan County, Ningxia]

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