Student groups and clubs


Logo of the Associations' Union of BIT

Student groups and clubs, considered one of the most important sections of the Youth League of BIT, have done a great job in cultivating students' interests and hobbies, improving their comprehensive quality, helping with their growth, and breeding positive campus culture.

Currently, there are 65 student associations: eight theoretical ones (accounting for 12.7%), six science groups (accounting for 6.3%), five commonweal associations (accounting for 6.3%), 25 literature and art gatherings (accounting for 34.9%), 21 sport groups (accounting for 30.1%), and six pre-operational clubs. Many of these associations have good prestige in Beijing, such as the famous Jinggong speech association, the Lvmeng Resources and Environmental Protection Association, and the Yan He star union of volunteers, which are known as the most influential associations in BIT. We also have a badminton association and a diabolo association, which have won various competitions. And let's not forget the Xiangqin association and independent music clubs, which have performed at the famous Strawberry Music Festival.


Student club members perform music.

There are a variety of activities held by these associations. For example, "Challenging the Host" sets up an arena for students to display their personalities and abilities. "Earth Hour" and "Week of Environmental Culture" held by Lvmeng teach students to do more for environmental protection. The "Diabolo and Chinese Culture Festival" popularizes the ancient culture of China. These interesting activities are all well-planned and arranged.


BIT Dream Chaser Robot Team

Our university will try its best to foster "self-education, self-management, self-service", by which student groups and clubs have to assist, encourage, and guide the development of our associations, contributing themselves body and soul to the cultivation of qualified college students matured by an all-round developmental education.

  • Zhongguancun Campus:

    No 5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
  • Liangxiang Campus:

    No 8 and 9 Yards, Liangxiang East Road, Fangshan District, Beijing
  • Xishan Campus:

    No 16 Lengquan East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

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