School bus


BIT school bus

As the "Dual-Campuses" operation mechanism is adopted, BIT provides a scheduled school bus service for teachers and students. Each bus has 50 seats, and the round trip usually takes about one hour. A single trip costs six yuan that can be paid via the BIT campus card. The bus stops on Liangxiang Campus are at the north of the Chemical Experiment Building in the campus’s southern part and at the east of the hospital in the campus’s north part, and the stop on the Zhongguancun Campus is at the south of the Comprehensive Service Building in the western dormitory area. Moreover, the school buses follow the departure system strictly. 

There are 18 shifts with 22 buses in service from 6:40 to 21:40, Monday to Friday, and at the end of the service time on Friday, another two shifts are added from both campuses. On weekends, three shifts with six buses in the morning, at noon and in the evening are in service from each campus. During summer or winter vacation, two shifts with four buses are available. For detailed information, please refer to

  • Zhongguancun Campus:

    No 5 Zhongguancun South Street, Haidian District, Beijing
  • Liangxiang Campus:

    No 8 and 9 Yards, Liangxiang East Road, Fangshan District, Beijing
  • Xishan Campus:

    No 16 Lengquan East Road, Haidian District, Beijing

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