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Internet Plus gives helping hand to Xianju's modern agriculture

ezhejiang.gov.cn| Updated: July 6, 2017 L M S


A farmer harvests pitaya fruit in the Xianju Agriculture Experiment Park for Taiwan Farmers. [Photo by Wang Zhuangfei/China Daily]

A new mode "Internet + Agriculture" has been adopted to develop modern agriculture in Xianju county,Taizhou, Zhejiang province.

Farmers in the county are using new internet technologies to trace the sources of agricultural products, monitor plants' status intelligently and conduct standardized management practices.

In the Xianju Agriculture Experiment Park for Taiwan Farmers, home to 27 companies, high-tech greenhouses are placed side by side. Seven industries including organic agriculture, seeds and seedlings development, Chinese medicinal herbs and agricultural tourism are developing rapidly there, with the power of internet technologies.

Wang Yu, from a demonstration zone for organic agriculture, explained the adoption of QR codes. "By scanning the codes of agricultural products, people can see information about their growing environment," said Wang, adding that the technology eases consumers' concerns about products' sources.

Bulaobei orchard in the park is a production base for high-quality fruit. Inside the base, a remote monitoring system enables farmers to get real-time information about the trees. Aside from the fruit plantation, training courses, sightseeing and fruit picking are open to the public as well.

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