China increases efforts to help small and midsize rural commercial banks
May 25, 2022
China has disposed 2.6 trillion yuan ($389.89 billion) worth of non-performing loans at small and midsize rural commercial banks since 2018. The amount exceeded total NPLs that were dealt with at these types of banks in the last 10 years, said an official of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission.
Zhejiang adopts measures to help construction industry
Aug 3, 2022
Authorities in East China's Zhejiang province recently released 17 policies and provided financial support to boost the development of the construction sector.
Zhejiang rolls out measures to stabilize foreign trade
Jul 15, 2022
Authorities in East China's Zhejiang province recently rolled out 10 measures to stabilize its foreign trade and foreign investment and to tackle difficulties faced by foreign trade businesses.
China encourages renminbi settlement in new models of foreign trade
Jun 22, 2022
China's central bank has ramped up support for renminbi settlement in new forms and models of foreign trade to better serve the real economy and facilitate trade and investment.
Nation's economy shows renewed signs of recovery
Jun 16, 2022
China's economy is gradually shaking off the impact of COVID-19 with improvements in a number of key major indicators, showing renewed signs of its gradual recovery, officials and economists said on Wednesday.
More measures to help trade firms
Jun 14, 2022
The government will adopt more targeted measures to benefit China's foreign trade enterprises and ensure stable growth and higher quality trade, government officials said on Wednesday.
Amid challenges, small enterprises benefiting from policies
Jun 10, 2022
As the COVID-19 situation continues to evolve and global prices for bulk commodities remain high, many of China's micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are dealing with mounting challenges.
More measures for foreign capital in China
Jun 10, 2022
China will accelerate major foreign investment projects to attract foreign investment, a key point in the stimulus package of 33 measures unveiled by the State Council to stabilize economic growth.