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  • Plan to boost emerging sectors, tech startups to create space for unicorns

    ​Blessed with an innovative workforce and advanced infrastructure, Hangzhou is expected to see continuous expansion in the number and size of "unicorns", according to a new strategic development plan.

    May 15, 2018

  • Jiashan to build cluster of foreign businesses

    ​Jiashan county in Zhejiang province has generated an agglomeration effect in foreign investment by introducing multinational companies and international projects to its economic and technological development zone.

    May 15, 2018

  • My beautiful rustic makeover

    My beautiful rustic makeover

    A government push for rural revitalization is paying dividends as villages thrive economically and find a new sense of pride

    May 14, 2018

  • Zhejiang to open door wider for further development

    Zhejiang to open door wider for further development

    East China's Zhejiang province will make greater efforts to "create a new landscape in all-around opening-up", Party Secretary Che Jun remarked at a plenary conference in Hangzhou on May 9.

    May 14, 2018

  • Zhejiang brands demonstrate competitiveness at national expo

    Zhejiang brands demonstrate competitiveness at national expo

    A total of 35 enterprises from Zhejiang province showcased their latest technologies and products at the Exposition on China Indigenous Brand in Shanghai from May 10 to 12.

    May 14, 2018

  • City of reform: Yiwu in 40 years

    City of reform: Yiwu in 40 years

    When local authorities seized Feng Aiqian's basket of shoelaces and buttons for the umpteenth time on a day in 1982, she decided to confront the Party chief of Yiwu county, Zhejiang province.

    May 10, 2018

  • Zhejiang woos Silicon Valley talents to China

    Zhejiang woos Silicon Valley talents to China

    The North American divisional final of the 2018 International E-commerce Entrepreneurship Innovation Competition concluded in Silicon Valley, California, on May 5, zjol.com.cn has reported.

    May 9, 2018

  • Keqiao Textile Expo draws global exhibitors and purchasers

    Keqiao Textile Expo draws global exhibitors and purchasers

    Exhibitors and purchasers from around the world attended the China Keqiao Textile Expo 2018 (Spring) in Shaoxing, Zhejiang province from May 6 to 8, to look for business opportunities.

    May 9, 2018

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