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Sanya to restrict non-local vehicles

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2018-08-24

Sanya plans to restrict non-local vehicles due to increasing car numbers and traffic congestion, it was announced at a press conference on Aug 22.

Statistics show that passenger cars grew in number by 23.1 percent each year on average from 2015 to 2017 until there were 24 cars for every one hundred people, which is top-ranked nationwide.

According to Ding Yiming, deputy director of the Sanya public security bureau and captain of the Sanya traffic police division, non-local passenger cars will be prohibited from driving in busy areas during peak hours.

The Sanya environmental protection bureau plans to launch a device to monitor real-time emissions on main arteries and all non-local cars and new cars that fail to reach China V emission standards will not be allowed on the streets.

To ease the traffic once the restrictions take effect, the local government will improve accessibility to public transportation, ensuring that citizens can board a bus within 500-meters of walking within the main urban area and transfer lines within five minutes.

Meanwhile, Sanya plans to accelerate the construction of tramcars, upgrade taxi services, and expand the transportation network.

By the end of 2017, 855 charging piles and 1,103 chargers for new energy automobiles were in service at public places such as malls, hotels and parks, and another 1,000 piles will be built this year.