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Hainan establishes intl exchange center for Supreme People's Court

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2019-02-26


Government officials of Hainan and Sanya unveil the nameplate for the Hainan Base of the Judges International Exchange Center of the Supreme People's Court. [Photo by Yuan Yongdong/Sanya Daily]

The Hainan Base of the Judges International Exchange Center of the Supreme People's Court was established in Sanya on Feb 25.

The center is expected to further enhance the Hainan courts' business environment, international civil and commercial regulations, judicial capacity, and trial teambuilding capabilities.

The center represents Hainan's important role in establishing judicial cooperation between China and other countries, publicizing Chinese law, and strengthening China's influence around the world. It will also offer an opportunity for domestic courts to learn from foreign judicial systems and build international awareness.


The launch ceremony for the Hainan Base of the Judges International Exchange Center of the Supreme People's Court is held in Sanya on Feb 25. [Photo/people.cn]