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World's first Chinese-style yacht embarks on maiden voyage in Danzhou

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2019-09-29

The world's first Chinese-style yacht set off on its maiden voyage in Danzhou, Hainan on Sept 25.

The boat was designed by famous architect Kwong Heung-wing from Hong Kong in honor of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.


The Shunfeng Xiangsong sets sail in Danzhou, Hainan on Sept 25. [Photo/people.com.cn]

The boat, which is nearly 10 meters long and capable of carrying 12 people, was inspired by the bottom line designs of traditional Chinese sailboats from Quanzhou, Fujian province during the Song Dynasty (960-1279).  

Kwong said he hoped the style of ancient Chinese boats would continue to inspire modern boat designs and help spread China's traditional marine culture around the world.


Kwong poses for a photo with the boat he designed. [Photo/people.cn]