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Wuzhishan awarded as 'China's Natural Oxygen Bar'

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2020-11-18


Wuzhishan Mountain. [Photo/hinews.cn]

The China Meteorological Administration Meteorological Service Center has recently unveiled the list of China's "natural oxygen bars" and Wuzhishan was the only city in the tropical island province of Hainan to be awarded the title that rewards an area's environment, as well as their tourism and leisure facilities. 

A total of 79 places across China were awarded the honorary title this year, which recognizes places with a high level of negative oxygen ions, excellent air quality, superior climate and environment, as well as improved tourism facilities. 

The evaluation for a China's natural oxygen bar includes five first-level indicators covering development planning, ecological environment, tourism facilities, regional characteristics, and honorary titles, as well as 16 second-level indicators.

Located in the south part of central Hainan, Wuzhishan Mountain is one of China's most famous mountains and a symbol of Hainan Island. The city of Wuzhishan is named after this mountain, which is named because the peaks and ridges undulate into a zigzag shape like wuzhi, which means five fingers.


The terraced fields in Yahu village of Maoyang town, Wuzhishan. [Photo/hinews.cn]


A tea plantation on the mountains in Wuzhishan.[Photo/Hainan Daily]




The beauty of mountainous scenery and various ethnic customs are the main attractions in Wuzhishan.


In pics: The serenity of Wuzhishan of Hainan

The city of Wuzhishan is named after Wuzhi Mountain (Wuzhishan), the highest mountain on Hainan Island.


Wuzhishan prospers from developing tea industry

Wuzhishan, located in the middle mountainous area of Hainan province,has gained achievements in developing tea industry.