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Hainan Two Sessions: Overseas Hainan leaders' Wishes for Hainan

HICN | Updated: 2021-01-25

The 2021 Hainan Province "Two Sessions" will be held soon. At the beginning of the "14th Five-Year Plan", the Hainan International Media Center will inform you on groups such as expats living in Hainan, returned students, and overseas Hainan leaders.

They may come from different backgrounds and be of different nationalities, but each of them is concerned about the development and construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port and is closely tied to the opening and internationalization of the FTP in the fields of economy, education, tourism, and trade. Therefore, at this time, the Hainan International Media Center is committed to listening to them and conveying their voices to the "Two Sessions" of Hainan Province.

Paul Mei from Taiwan, Director of the Sales Department of CITS Hainan International Travel Service Co., Ltd, Tourism Center said he was impressed with the work done in the duty-free industry in 2020. The changes made in the duty-free industry will play a crucial role in the future establishment of a "dual circulation" development pattern and will be another economic pillar of Hainan.

Apart from the Free Trade Port, Dato Ricky Tan Seng Cheong from Malaysia, President of the China-ASEAN Legal Cooperation Center (Malaysia), is most amazed with Hainan's determination to help needy groups.

"Hainan handled a total of 57,500 legal aid cases," said Dato Ricky Tan Seng Cheong, "I hope to learn from this because I believe access to justice and legal services should not be limited to those who can afford it, it should be accessible by all walks of life."

In terms of the upcoming Two Sessions of Hainan Province, Mei is looking forward to talent introduction policy improvements to be made at the conference. "According to the current policy, talents who arrived in Hainan before May 2018 cannot be identified nor enjoy the beneficial policies. Under this policy, some talent will be lost," said Mei.

Mei suggested that Hainan take length of stay in Hainan as the standard, and give different incentives to different groups of people who have been in Hainan for three years, five years, ten years and up. "This is more flexible, and it will allow Hainan to attract high-quality talents to return to the island," he explained. Mei also emphasized that Hainan should pay more attention to introduce "high-quality, mid-to-low range talents" to support the development of a wider range of industries as well.

Lulu Lv, Mei's wife and a financial practitioner, expects to see see bolder and more free innovations in 2021. "After all, we can correct mistakes. But if you don’t dare to try, you will never know how to do it right," said Lv.

Dato Ricky Tan Seng Cheong is keen to know how China would tap into the recently signed Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). From what he understands, Hainan is planning to make moves to open up more cross border professional collaborations. Dato Ricky Tan Seng Cheong believes it will help Hainan prepare to enter the international market.