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Sanya implements measures for departing people

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-03-02

After a confirmed COVID-19 case was detected in Sanya, Hainan province on Feb 28, the city upgraded its COVID-19 prevention and control measures, including requiring people who are departing the city to provide negative results on two nucleic acid tests taken within 48 hours of their departure. In addition, Sanya has suspended all flights to Beijing. 

Here is the list of medical institutions that can provide nucleic acid testing service all day in Sanya: Sanya People's Hospital, Sanya Central Hospital, Sanya Women and Children's Healthcare Hospital, Hainan Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, Sanya Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Hongsen Hospital of Harbin Medical University in Sanya, the Hainan branch of Harbin Second Hospital, as well as Sanya Yacheng Health Center.


Sanya Train Station strengthens its inspection measures of arriving passengers on March 1. [Photo/IC]

On Feb 28, a person was confirmed to test positive with COVID-19 in Sanya. Their main activity trajectory involved Crowne Plaza Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, Tianya Haijiao Scenic Spot, a Lanzhou Ramen Restaurant in Longhai East Yiheng Lane, Wuzhizhou Island Scenic Spot, and Wuzhizhou Island's Pirate Bar Restaurant.

Sanya immediately launched an emergency plan after the case was detected, implementing quarantine control and coordinated inspections for relevant personnel, as well as control and disinfection measures in relevant places.

As of 7:00 p.m. on March 1, the two people who traveled with the confirmed case tested negative on four nucleic acid tests. A total of 19,602 nucleic acid samples and 125 environmental samples were collected from 18 hotels around the Crowne Plaza Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, with all the results being negative. A total of 154,896 people have taken nucleic acid tests and 108,524 results have been obtained, all of which were negative.