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Hainan pushes forward 'innovative province' construction

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-03-07

Hainan recently issued measures to transform itself into an innovative province. By 2025, Hainan will have two innovative cities of Haikou and Sanya, as well as three innovative hubs in the planting industry, deep-sea industry, and aerospace science and technology. 

In order to build the three innovative hubs, Hainan will focus on the construction of Nanfan Silicon Valley, which gathers high-end talents and cutting-edge breeding technologies. The province will also construct a number of national key laboratories in the deep-sea industry, as well as accelerate the construction of Wenchang International Aerospace City.

By 2025, Hainan's output value of strategic emerging industries will reach 650 billion yuan ($103 billion), the output value of its high-tech industries will reach 800 billion yuan, and that of its high-efficiency agriculture industry with tropical characteristics will exceed 100 billion yuan.

Haikou and Sanya will lead the island's innovation and development. In addition, Hainan will promote development in its counties and key industrial parks.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of its scientific and technological innovation capabilities, Hainan will cultivate and build a number of national key laboratories, as well as national-level scientific and technological innovation platforms.

In addition, Hainan will encourage key industrial parks to set up international offshore innovation and entrepreneurship pilot zones, as well as provide international scientific and technological information and cross-border data flow services for domestic and foreign scientific researchers. The province will also implement talent introduction projects, as well as international scientific and technological cooperation projects to create a hub for opening-up and innovation in Hainan.