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Hainan imports 1st batch of 'zero-tariff' amusement facilities

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-03-16

On March 14, a batch of imported amusement facilities was cleared by customs at Haikou Port, with a value of 6.3 million yuan ($990,000) and a tariff reduction of 1.2 million yuan. It was the first order made since the Hainan Free Trade Port adjusted its "zero tariff" list in February.

These amusement facilities were imported by Sanya Yuanding Performing Arts, a local performance service provider, and will be used for its construction of scenic spots in Sanya. A person in charge of the company said that they planned to import some amusement equipment and that the favorable "zero tariff" policy would greatly reduce project construction costs.

The "zero-tariff" list of self-used production equipment in the Hainan FTP was announced in March last year. As of February this year, there were 144 enterprises with "zero tariff" import qualifications for self-use production equipment, of which 36 enterprises have enjoyed the "zero tariff" benefits, with an import value of 1.16 billion yuan.

The "zero-tariff" policy covers seven major fields, including infrastructure construction, processing and manufacturing, as well as R&D and design. It has played a positive role in promoting industrial agglomeration in the Hainan FTP.

The Ministry of Finance, the General Administration of Customs, and the State Administration of Taxation jointly issued a "zero tariff" policy adjustment notice on Feb 14 for self-used production equipment in the Hainan FTP. Eight commodities, including merry-go-rounds, swings, and roller coasters, were removed from the negative list.



Hainan FTP adjusts 'zero tariff' list

A "zero tariff" policy adjustment notice was issued on Feb 14 for self-used production equipment in the Hainan Free T...