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Xi stresses key role of Hainan FTP

By XU WEI | China Daily | Updated: 2022-04-14


Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, inspects an economic development zone in the city of Danzhou, South China's Hainan province on April 12. [Photo/Xinhua]

The province must put in place the strictest measures to prevent land reclamation and the development of shorelines, Xi said.

He said that the Tropical Rainforest National Park in the province, among the first group of national parks established by China last year, is a national treasure, a key water and grain reserve, a source of wealth and an important carbon sink.

Local authorities must come up with more measures to improve the people's well-being, help the people solve issues that trouble them most and actively explore pathways to common prosperity, he said, adding that more policies must be rolled out to stabilize payrolls and create jobs.

Xi underlined the necessity for the province to take advantage of its rich revolutionary history and guide Party members to firm up their beliefs and pass on the revolutionary traditions.

In keeping up the momentum of the battle against corruption, the president urged coordinated steps to create a deterrent against corruption, strengthen measures to prevent wrongdoings and build up moral defenses among officials, adding that the system must be improved in areas including land sales, real estate development and attracting investment.

With the COVID-19 pandemic still ravaging globally, Xi said the nation cannot afford any complacency in its containment measures, adding that perseverance means victory.

He reiterated the need to put people and their lives first, prevent the importing of cases and domestic resurgence and uphold the dynamic zero-COVID policy in a scientific and targeted manner.

Xi warned against complacency, war-weariness or any degree of negligence, saying that the capacity to contain the pandemic must be bolstered in keeping with the mutations of the virus.

He called for authorities to improve their contingency plans, put in place stringent normalized containment measures and try their best to minimize the influence of outbreaks on social and economic development.

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