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Xi calls for cooperation, solidarity to embrace bright future

Xinhua | Updated: 2022-04-21


A new-energy autopilot shuttle bus participates in a trial run near the venue of the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) in Boao, South China's Hainan province, April 16, 2022. [Photo/Xinhua]

BEIJING -- To break through the mist and embrace a bright future, the biggest strength comes from cooperation and the most effective way is through solidarity, President Xi Jinping said on Thursday.

Xi made the remarks while delivering a keynote speech via video at the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2022.

Noting that humanity is a community with a shared future where all people rise and fall together, Xi called on all countries to follow the trend of the times featuring peace, development and win-win cooperation, move in the direction of building a community with a shared future for mankind, and rise to challenges and build a bright future through cooperation.