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Hybrid rice yield hits 900 kg per mu in Sanya Nanfan base

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-05-07

Nanfan Public Experimental Base in Yazhou district, Sanya has yielded 910 kilograms per mu (0.067 hectare) in early hybrid rice, reaching the predetermined target, according to the estimation made by experts on-site on May 6.


On May 6, the harvester is harvesting rice at Nanfan Public Experimental Base in Sanya, Hainan province. [Photo/VCG]

The average yield of double-cropping rice at the base reached 1,586.86 kg per mu, setting a record for the highest yield of double-cropping rice in Hainan. Yuan Dingyang, deputy director of the China National Hybrid Rice R&D Center, said that the same experimental site reaching the target yield for two consecutive years is considered a success.

Xie Hua'an, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said, "If we can continue to achieve the goal of yielding 1,500 kg per mu this year, our cultivation technology model can be replicated to help achieve the high-yield goal and ensure national food security."

From last winter to this spring, the low temperature in Hainan was unfavorable for early rice sowing, seedling growth, and transplanting. However, experts overcame the difficulties through techniques to ensure a bumper harvest of early rice.