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Hainan's South China Sea expo industrial park debuts at MPT Expo

ehainan.gov.cn | Updated: 2022-09-05

Hainan's National South China Sea Cultural and Expo Industrial Park debuted at the 9th China Museum and Related Products and Technology Expo (MPT Expo), which was held from Sept 1 to 4 in Zhengzhou, capital city of Central China's Henan province.

As a ministry-province joint construction project promoted by the State Administration of Cultural Heritage and the Hainan Provincial People's Government, the National South China Sea Cultural and Expo Industrial Park is the earliest and largest cultural and expo industry project in the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port.

The industrial park will include the construction of a variety of cultural and expo facilities, including a museums cluster, an international cultural products trading center, an auction company headquarters, a cultural and creative base, as well as an overseas returnee's cultural relics collection and exhibition center. It will create an international cultural and expo center with international influence and Chinese characteristics, boosting the construction of the Hainan FTP.

Entitled "Museums in the New Era: Innovation, Development, and Inheritance," this year's MAT Expo has attracted 645 museums and related companies to participate in it. This year's edition featured four exhibition areas, covering a total exhibition area of 60,000 square meters. As one of the most influential events in the Chinese museum industry, the MPT Expo has grown into a highly influential international brand in the industry.


A design sketch of the National South China Sea Cultural and Expo Industrial Park. [Photo/Hainan Daily]