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Wuhan to build National Intelligent Connected Vehicles Demonstration Base

Updated: 2017-05-20

Several academicians and experts from the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) gathered to discuss construction of an intelligent connected vehicles demonstration base in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone, Hubei province on May 20, China News Service reported.

WHDZ aims to build a national-level demonstration base of intelligent connected vehicles and a comprehensive innovation demonstration base of intelligent transportation.

The uniqueness of this base will lie in its "unmanned style", officials from the development zone said, adding that the town's ubiquitous intelligent sensors connect the vehicles with the city.

The intelligent connected vehicles receive information about the traffic conditions, external temperatures, humidity, and the air pollutant index, and upload them to the cloud platform; the platform applies that information to current traffic distribution enabling the vehicles to make suitable adjustments.

CAE president Zhou Ji said that the demonstration base corresponds to the development concept of ‘vehicle plus’ construction in the WHDZ and smart eco-city construction, integrating technology and industry with people’s lives without transforming the demonstration base into an industrial park.

"The vehicles are changing from ‘mechanical products equipped with electronics’ into ‘electronic products equipped with machines.’ As connected intelligent and unmanned industries are becoming a general trend, new modes of production, industrial forms, business models and economic growth points have emerged. Those offer opportunities for Wuhan to stand in the forefront of industrial transformation," an expert said.

WHDZ is a leading national-level development zone, the sixth of its kind in China. It arose from Hubei's entering into a construction project with China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology in November 2016.

The meeting was attended by more than 10 academicians and experts from CAE and representatives from the China Association of Automobile Manufactures, the China Automotive Technology and Research Center, and motor companies.