With a total investment of 400 million yuan ($60.2 million), the construction of the Elder-care Ccenter of the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (Hannan) got underway on May 10,2016; the center is expected to open at the end of 2017. After its completion, it will be the largest elder-care center in central China, with the greatest number of beds, the best-equipped facilities and the highest functionality.
The elder-care center will be a garden-style aged-care community bringing together culture, a garden environment, ecology and hi-tech intelligent services It will cooperate with the Wuhan Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to integrate medical care into nursing of the elderly. What's more, the elder-care center will be integrated with the city's senior welfare service system and with Wuhan welfare housing, community service centers and rural nursing centers.
The center will be orientated to medical care, nursing service, social support and entertainment for senior citizens. Covering an area of 30,000 square meters, it will be equipped with 1048 beds and divided into 4 functional zones, including an elder-nursing center, a half-nursing zone, a self-care zone and a public zone. The elder-nursing zone will have rooms for medical care and rehabilitation for elderly patients unable to take care of themselves. The self-care zone will be appropriate for older people affected by dementia or other disability but still able to function. It will also assist childless old people. The public zone will be a multifunctional activity area for exercise, relaxation, study and entertainment. Supplementing the public zone will be a rehabilitation garden to meet the elderly's needs for walking and outdoor activities.
By the end of 2015, Wuhan's resident population had reached nearly 10.61 million and its registered population was 8.29 million. Residents older than 60 numbered 1.64 million, 19.75 percent of the total. At present, Wuhan only has 61,000 elder-care beds. Completion of the age-carecenter will effectively alleviate the pressure of bed availability in nursing homes and hospitals in Wuhan.
Effect picture of elder-care center