In accordance with the Implementation Opinions on Building a Talent Pool of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, the Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (Hannan), referred to as the WHDZ, introduced specific measures in two of the city's programs for talented personnel to attract high-level expertise.
The two programs are Wuhan's "City Partners" and "Elites of Auto Capital". The latter program consists of seven types - industrial leaders, angel investors, young entrepreneurs, excellent industrial talents, technical talents, special talents and talent scouts.
Supportive policies
I. Increasing funding for innovation and entrepreneurship
Type |
Standard | |
Wuhan's "City Partners" Program |
Industrial leaders (Card A) | Business starters and innovators in WHDZ are given funding of 2 million yuan for a "domestic or foreign top talent", 1 m yuan for a "nation-level industrial leader", and 0.5 m yuan for a "province or city-level high-end talent". |
Renowned venture capitalists (Card B) | An investor of a start-up in WHDZ is subsidized with registered capital injection and with a risk premium, in accordance with 50 percent of the city's financial support standards. | |
Excellent, young entrepreneurs and innovators (Card C) | A one-off grant of 100,000 yuan is offered to a person working in the WHDZ on key technology R&D or industrialization in emerging industrials or high-tech fields. If his or her company in the WHDZ receives city funding, the zone will give an extra 50 percent funding or up to 100,000 yuan, plus 500,000 yuan of equity investment. | |
Industrial leaders of the "Elites of Auto Capital" Program | A person enrolled into the Huanghe High-end Talent Recruitment Program and deemed an "industrial leader" of the "Elites of Auto Capital" Program receives 1 million yuan of funding and up to 10 million yuan of equity investment. | |
Angel investors | An investor of a small-and-medium-sized high-tech company at the seeding or start-up stage receives a risk premium worth 10 percent of the actual investment, 500,000 yuan at most. | |
Young entrepreneurs | A one-off grant of 100,000 yuan is offered. | |
Excellent industrial talents | A person chosen as an "excellent industrial talent" by the WHDZ is funded 200,000 yuan a year for three consecutive years. | |
Technical talents | A person chosen as a "technical talent" receives a bonus of 30,000, 50,000 or 80,000 yuan a year, for different levels - "technical expert", "master engineer" and "chief engineer", for three consecutive years. | |
Special talents
| A person enrolled into the Huanghe High-end Talent Recruitment Program and deemed a "special talent" is given a subsidy worth 50 percent of the city's financial support standards. |
II. Encouraging intermediate agencies to hire high-level expertise
Intermediate agencies supporting the "Elites of Auto Capital" Program are deemed "talent scouts".
A bonus of 100,000 yuan is offered for introducing one "domestic or foreign top talent", 50,000 yuan for one "national-level industrial leader", and 30,000 yuan for one "provincial or city-level high-end talent" or angel investor.
III. Strengthening support in office space
Free office space and a subsidy is provided to professionals at the start-up stage, for no more than three years.
Office space of no more than 200 square meters is offered free to an "industrial leader" of the "Elites of Auto Capital" Program. Or, if he or she rents an office in the WHDZ, 50 percent of the rent (property management, water, power and other fees not included) is subsidized according to the rent contract. For the space above 200 and under 1,000 sq m, a subsidy of 15 yuan per sq m is given every month at most, and for above 1,000 sq m, 10 yuan.
A "venture capitalist (Card B)" and "angel investor" enjoys the same size of free office space or a subsidy worth 50 percent of his or her rent (property management, water, power and other fees not included). For spaces above 200 and under 500 sq m, a subsidy of 15 yuan per sq m is given at most every month, and for above 500 sq m, 10 yuan.
A "young entrepreneur" is offered free office space of no more than 100 square meters or is subsidized with 50 percent of his or her rent (property management, water, power and other fees not included) in the zone. For the space above 100 and under 300 sq m, a subsidy of 15 yuan per sq m at most is given every month, and for above 300 sq m, 10 yuan.
IV. Guaranteeing housing for talented personnel
Qualified professionals without housing in Wuhan enjoy a housing allowance for three years, five year at most for "city partners".
A "city partner" can live in an expert apartment for free or receive a rent subsidy of 3,500, 5,000 or 6,000 yuan per month, for different levels of "provincial and city-level high-end talent", "national-level industrial leader", and "domestic or foreign top talent".
An "industrial leader" within the "Elites of Auto Capital" Program can live in an expert apartment for free or receive a rent subsidy of 3,500 yuan per month. The subsidy is 3,500 yuan for a "chief engineer"; 2,000 yuan for a "young entrepreneur", "excellent industrial talent", or "master engineer"; and 1,000 for a "technical expert".
V. Improving living conditions
Children of high-level expertise have access to quality education resources in the WHDZ, including preschool and compulsory education, and have a priority in treatment in local key hospitals.
VI. Other favorable policies
Special support will be discussed and provided for persons or projects that greatly boost the WHDZ's industrial development and bring huge economic and social benefits. For example, 100 million yuan of funding and 200 m yuan of equity investment are offered at most, accompanied with support in land usage, R&D conditions, production and operation premises, talent apartments, communications, and talent training.
The measures have a validity of three years after issuance and are interpreted by the WHDZ's management committee.