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Group B matches of Basketball World Cup begin in WHDZ

By Hu Xiaoyu | chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-09-02


A Nigerian player looks to score during a game against Russia in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone on Aug 31. [Photo/WeChat account: whkfq0518]

The Group B matches of the 2019 FIBA Basketball World Cup began on Aug 31 at the Wuhan Sports Center in the Wuhan Economic and Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei province. 

So far, Russia has nosed out Nigeria 82-77, while Argentina has claimed a 95-69 victory against South Korea.

Another four matches in Group B will be held at the sports center in the WHDZ over the next few days. The zone will also host four games in the Second Round.

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