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Wuhan company contributes to China’s space exploration

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2019-12-24


Crucial testing continues to take place, with simulated in this case hovering and landing excersises. China is scheduled to carry out its Mars exploration mission in 2020, as announced in a video released by the China National Space Administration on Dec 11. Wuhan-based Wuhan Wuchuan Heavy Equipment Engineering Co, a subsidiary of Wuchang Shipbuilding Industry Group Co, participated in the construction of a rapid servo system for the Mars low-gravity simulation experimental platform, which helps detectors land safely on Mars. [Photo/Hubei Daily]

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Tests continue for the servo system. On January 11, 2016, China's Mars exploration mission was officially launched. On July 18, 2018, Wuhan Wuchuan Heavy Equipment Engineering Co officially signed a contract for the construction of the Mars Landing Comprehensive Test Field, responsible for the construction of the Mars One lander simulated landing test platform. [Photo/Hubei Daily]