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Record numbers register for Wuhan Marathon

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-01-02

A total of 197,592 runners have registered for the upcoming fifth Wuhan Marathon, setting a record, according to local media reports.

The event organizers said the marathon attracted wide participation from 38 countries and regions globally -- including the US, Japan and Singapore -- with ages ranging from 16-81.

The fifth Wuhan Marathon is set to open on Apr 12 in 2020. The event will feature a full marathon -- 42.195 kilometers long -- with up to 10,000 participants.

Organizers said there would also be a 21.0975 km half marathon and a 13 km run -- with up to 8,000 participants in both latter events.

Since the number of applicants has exceeded the quota, qualifiers will be determined by drawing lots and the results will be announced mid-January.

According to the event organizers, the prize for the 2020 Wuhan Marathon has been substantially increased to $45,000 and $8,000 for the winners of the full and half marathons, respectively.

A special prize for Chinese athletes has been increased from 20,000 yuan ($2,867) to 50,000 yuan. A record-breaking prize has been established for the fastest Chinese runner, offering a bonus of 50,000 yuan, the organizers said.