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WHDZ opens new cabin hospital

chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2020-02-19


A worker disinfects the newly built cabin hospital in the WHDZ. [Photo provided to chinadaily.com.cn] 

A new temporary cabin hospital has opened in Minying Sci-Tech Industrial Park in Wuhan Economic & Technological Development Zone (WHDZ) in Wuhan, epicenter of the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak in China, according to WHDZ officials.

As of Feb 15, the cabin hospital had received 985 coronavirus patients with mild symptoms. 

The pop-up cabin hospital is located between Tongshun Avenue and Dongjing River, enjoying convenient transportation links. There is no residential area within one kilometer of the new facility. 

Officials said it has an area of about 6,300 square meters and can hold 990 beds. 

It features a single-storey warehouse with a high inner floor, making it relatively spacious and conducive to air circulation. 

Officials said it is the first cabin hospital in Wuhan city to use an industrial factory building.  

The builder of the cabin hospital is Wuhan Chedu Co, a WHDZ-based infrastructure developer. 

On the evening of Feb 11, after receiving its construction orders, staff from Wuhan Chedu Co went to the area to investigate the site of the cabin hospital.   

On Feb 12, WHDZ officials led a team who went over the feasibility plan there and worked with employees of Wuhan Chedu Co to study the specific implementation plan and details of the new cabin hospital.

On Feb 13, construction of the cabin hospital began, with more than 300 workers from Wuhan Chedu Co assembling the beds in an orderly manner.

At the same time, the internal design and construction plans went into full swing.

After the construction orders were issued, Wuhan Chedu Co successfully mobilized supplies, including sourcing iron frame beds and bedding, from the surrounding urban areas.  

The construction of the cabin hospital took merely three days.